Newsletter November 2015
Saturday, November 14th, 2015We are looking forward to our Christmas Granary Reunited event - we hope you are too.
Please tell all your friends, it’s definitely a “more the merrier” kind of night. Forward this email to everyone you know and let’s all get together again and do it like we used to back in the Granary days. The music will be a non-stop parade of the best of classic rock with a sprinkling of each individual Granary DJ’s personal favourites. Drinks at normal pub prices plus a FREE dip into Santa’s sack of jolly rock pressies!
In the few months before the “Plastic Dog” team began promoting rock at the Granary the venue was a seven days a week jazz club but then on 15th November 1968, almost exactly forty seven years ago, the club had an excursion into the blues and promoted the one and only MUDDY WATERS. A massive exclusive for the Granary and a brilliant start of twenty years years of music excellence.

A new venture for the Golden Lion is the Sunday tea-time good-time music session which this Sunday features LOOSE WHEELS. This is of great interest to the Granary fans of the early Granary days as guitarist and front man for Loose Wheels is Steve Webb. Steve was with prog rock outfit ORIGINN who were on stage at the club in October 1969 and played 9 times in the next 12 months. He then went on to front SQUIDD who continued to feature on a regular basis for the next year or two. Steve then joined Al Read at the Plastic Dog office booking bands and managing artists. Incidentally the drummer with both these bands was the now internationally known fantasy artist Rodney Matthews. With Steve in both bands was bassist Rich Langham who now also features in LOOSE WHEELS. Another Granary favourite was Keith Warmington the amazing harmonica player in both Brent Ford and the Nylons and the Paynekillers. Keith is likely to make and appearance with LOOSE WHEELS if we are lucky. LOOSE WHEELS present a tasty slice of of country, Americana and good time blues at 4pm on Sunday afternoon. See you there.